February 8, 2012

PA Energy Services Coalition

With a mission to achieve:

  • Infrastructure Modernization - without the need for up-front capital
  • Environmental Stewardship – mitigation of greenhouse gases
  • Economic Development – real jobs now
  • National Security – relieving our dependence on foreign sources of fuels

The Energy Services Coalition is the only public and private coalition of individual energy experts focused on the promotion of Guaranteed Energy Performance Contracting.


Welcome to 2012

Wow! What a whirlwind of the past few months.  The last time that we made a group wide emailing was late September after our Annual Workshop which was a huge success.... 

I apologize for the delay in information passing.  Our leadership team in PA has been extremely busy and we have a number of items that need to be communicated...  First, we have upgraded our look.  Please let us know what you think.  See below for new information.



The PA Energy Services Coalition Group Meeting will be held on Thursday, March 1, 2012 at the Schaedler Yesco Distribution Inc. Harrisburg location (3982 Paxton Street)
Please RSVP to Larry Myers: larry.myers@schneider-electric.com

Proposed Agenda
11:45   Registration and Sign In

12:00   Lunch & Networking – provided by PA ESC Chapter

12:45   Welcoming remarks and Introduction of Leadership Team

  1:00   Corporate Profiles

  1:15   PA GESA Process updates – ESCO Perspectives

  1:45   PA GESA Process updates – PA DGS Perspectives

  2:15   PA GESA Process updates – NAESCO Perspectives, Don Gilligan

  2:45   Wrap up



I wish to welcome and introduce Brandon W. Carson, Director, Planning & Community Development as our new Public Sector Chair.  Brandon has eagerly accepted the nomination of our Leadership Team and will be a wonderful asset to our group.  Brandon has been to a number of our meetings and workshops and recognizes an Brandon Carsonopportunity to bring the message of energy efficiency to the clients that he and his colleagues represent across the Commonwealth.  Brandon works for the Southern Alleghenies Planning and Development Commission which is one of seven Local Development Districts (http://paldd.org/) that support local governments, school districts, non-profits, hospitals and commercial organizations to expand economic opportunities across 52 counties within the Commonwealth.  The LDDs also host the activities of the Pennsylvania Energy Partnership (http://www.paenergypartnership.psu.edu/) who delivers energy education, training and technical assistance within these counties.  The PEP activities are funded primarily by a grant from the Appalachin Regional Commission and have been offering these services for more than four years. Brandon will provide us all with some insight to his roles and responsibilities at our next meeting.  In the meantime, please offer him a warm welcome to our team!


The Commonwealth of PA, Dept of General Services put all outstanding and future GESA projects on hold last Spring to perform a six- month audit of the entire program as it had been implemented by the previous Administration.  That report is now available on the DGS web site along with proposed modifications to the process.  A comment period was available and responses were due by Wednesday, Jan 18.  Attached is a document that was sent on behalf of the ESCO community by Don Gilligan, President, NAESCO, and here is a link to comments that were offered by Christina Simeone, Director, PennFuture Energy Center.  Several other organizations also offered individual comments to the proposed changes.

If you are interested, please spend some time to review the new documents and procedures to see how these changes may impact your business decisions to participate in this market.  We will spend time reviewing the findings of the 6 month study and begin a dialog of the proposed changes at our next group meeting on March 1.  Please click on this link to find the published DGS comments and proposed changes.


We have a strong following in PA!  Our National ESC Leadership Team has been very proud of the activities that we have been able to host during our first year of existence and has encouraged us to continue our efforts.  We owe a pat-on-the-back to all those that have helped plan, organize, and execute the various events that we hosted.  We also wish to thank those that have continued to support our corporate mission by maintaining their membership in the PA Chapter of the ESC.  Thank you!  However, we do know that their is an opportunity to grow our membership, and we ask those "NOT YET Members" to resolve during this New Year season to re-commit yourself to this group.  Benefits of membership include initial consideration for speaking opportunities at our events, email notifications and information available to Members Only, ability to participate in our local Leadership Team, opportunity to participate in National initiatives, and much more.

As you fill out your membership form on the ESC website (https://www.energyservicescoalition.org/membership/), be sure to indicate that you wish to be affiliated with the PA Chapter.  That action will assure that a portion of your dues will come back, directly, to our Chapter.  These funds make it possible for us to host events like the Annual Workshop.  This gives all of our participating organizations the ability to touch end users, see new technologies, and network with peers in the supply chain of performance contracting delivery.


The PA Chapter has been very visible to the national scene, but we rarely see information for the National ESC organization.  This will change over the next few months.  The PA Chapter is participating in a National ESC initiative to streamline communications from the national front.  We are developing a database of contacts that can be used by all the Chapters to help communicate activities nationally, or in a particular region.  Furthermore, we will have the ability to easily communicate to specific groups such as, "Members Only", "Friends of ESC", or "Not Yet Members".  Look for more information soon.

Keep up the great work everyone.  2012 will be an exciting time for this industry.  Let's work together to keep performance contracting the preferred method of obtaining physical plant improvements....


March 7-8, 2012, Atlantic City Convention Center / Hall B, Atlantic City, NJ

National Facilities Management and Technology Show (NFMT).
America's #1 Conference and Product Expo for Facilities Professionals.
March 13-15, 2012, Baltimore Convention Center

SEVENTH ANNUAL NAESCO Federal Market Workshop
March 22, 2012, Pepco Building, 701 Ninth Street, NW, Washington, DC



Private Sector Chair – Larry Myers larry.myers@schneider-electric.com
Public Sector Chair – Brandon Carson – bcarson@sapdc.org
Past Chair – Bruce Stultz - Stultzrunner@aol.com
Past Chair – Marilyn Bygall - marilyn.bygall@allfacilitiesenergygroup.com
PA Treasurer – Tracy Niedrowski - tniedrowski@atlanticenergyconcepts.com

Membership – Lou Nazirides – LNazirides@pro-techenergy.com
Outreach – John Carr – jcarr04173@aol.com
Workshop – Sherri Laurusevage – Sherri.Laurusevage@retrotechsystems.com
Resource – Diane Shellenhamer – dshellenhamer@sydist.com
Documents – Steve Moritz – stephen.moritz@allfacilitiesenergygroup.com


Quarterly News

Next Meeting

Thursday, March 1, 2012
Schaedler Yes
co Distribution, Inc.

Public Sector Chariperson

Welcome Brandon W. Carson
Director, Planning & Community Development

PA GESA Process Under Review

New Documents and Comments


Not-Yet Member?

National Exposure

New Communications from National ESC

Up Coming Events

Future Activities to be aware of

PA Leadership Team
Contact information


Hold onto that file, we will do this again…

What seems a lifetime ago, I had an old boss that had seen it all.  He used to tell us to hold onto files filled with data and studies that we had recently worked on.  He said, “Don’t toss that stuff.  In a few years, we will be asked to do the same test again.”  That seems to be ringing true today.

Recently, I participated in a group setting to discuss industry trends.  As expected, the changes taking place to the PA GESA process was discussed.  I have a bit more history on many of you in regards to the PA process of implementing the GESA legislation that was overhauled in 1998 and implemented late in 1999.  At that time, I worked at the Penn State Facilities Engineering Institute and was helping shape the process that one person within the PA DGS Bureau of Engineering & Architecture was tasked to implement.  The program was utilized to construct some rather large projects and everyone in the Administration and industry were learning as we went along.  About half-way through the first term of the Rendell Administration, the management of the GESA process moved over to the Bureau of Facilities Management.  I recall that the program stalled for a bit with the management change.  However, the program was eventually embraced and a team of individuals, led by Bruce Stultz, managed to implement over 30 performance contracting projects within a six-year period.  There were ups and downs, and weird implementation strategies to keep the process “fair”, but a lot of work got done.  Now, as my old boss predicted, we are doing this again…

Today, the management of the program is back with the Bureau of Engineering & Architecture.  Certainly, the focus of these individuals is different than those tasked with keeping buildings running.  Not necessarily wrong, just different.  The PA GESA process will be strong and vital again.  Yes, there is a bit of a stall right now at the Commonwealth level, but as the new Administration begins to understand the benefits of performance contracting, the work will come again.  Meanwhile, let’s continue to serve the clients that are implementing performance contracting at the local and regional levels while we continue to promote and educate others regarding the value that we bring as an ESCO community and industry.

Larry F. Myers, PE
Private Sector Chair




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Energy Services Coalition (ESC)
Or contact the Board member nearest you.

The Pennsylvania Energy Services Coalition Chapter is dedicated to providing an outreach program that provides information and education on performance contracting to the target audience within our state.

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