August 15, 2012

PA Energy Services Coalition

With a mission to achieve:

  • Infrastructure Modernization - without the need for up-front capital
  • Environmental Stewardship – mitigation of greenhouse gases
  • Economic Development – real jobs now
  • National Security – relieving our dependence on foreign sources of fuels

The Energy Services Coalition is the only public and private coalition of individual energy experts focused on the promotion of Guaranteed Energy Performance Contracting.

Summer 2012

The summer construction and vacation season is nearly over.  I trust that everyone has taken an opportunity to enjoy the summer weather and managed to decompress just a bit.  We look forward to a busy Fall and close to the calendar year.  A number of key events have been keeping the PA Leadership Team busy – please read below for additional details.



Please join us for the Energy Services Coalition’s Market Transformation Conference on August 23-24, 2012 at the Loews Vanderbilt Hotel Nashville, 2100 West End Avenue, Nashville, TN 37203.

This important event will facilitate sharing of best practices among public and private sector participants in order to advance public facility retrofit programs utilizing Energy Savings Performance Contracting (ESPC).  The conference sessions will be discussion-oriented and designed to deliver fresh ideas to maximize the success of existing ESPC programs and actionable steps to create new statewide models that fit your states’ needs.

Conference Topics
•State and Local Public Facilities Retrofit Market – Scale, Trends, Opportunities
•The Essential ESPC Programmatic Design Guide for States and Cities: Step-by-Step
•Beyond the Building – How ESPC is Modernizing Infrastructure from Wastewater Treatment to Street Lights to Combined Heat and Power
•Creative Financing – Deepening Retrofits and Accelerating Savings
•Energy Retrofits and Modernization is Economic Development – How ESPC Delivers Jobs and Measuring Success


Our Workshop Committee is busy planning for our 2nd Annual PA Chapter Workshop.  The venue shall be the same as last year, the Hollywood Casino in Grantville, PA.  We had a lot of good feedback from our attendees last year and we look forward to another informative day from our speakers and the sponsors that will host a booth.

The date is not finalized, but rumors have it that November is the targeted month.  If you are interested in helping plan this event, please contact our Workshop Committee Chair, Sherri Laurusevage


The Commonwealth of PA, Dept of General Services shall be holding an ESCO industry meeting to discuss the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania's new approach to the GESA Program and give ESCO's the opportunity to ask any questions they may have.  The meeting is to be held in the Corporate Board Room 1st Floor Arsenal Bldg., 18th & Herr Sts. Harrisburg, PA on Monday, August 27, 2012 from 9:30am to 11:30am.  Invitations went out to many ESCO representatives early this week.  If you did not receive an invitation, and are interested in attending, please contact Ms. Jenna Ditmer via email at

Visitor parking at the facility is limited, there is street parking available around the complex or you may call St. Paul's Baptist Church at (717) 234-0037 to request parking in their lot which is across the street.


The PA Chapter of ESC has been discussing with members of the Pennsylvania Energy Partnership and PennFuture on strategies to increase target market education and outreach efforts on Energy Savings Performance Contracts (ESPCs).  A federal funding opportunity has been identified that could enable funds to be dedicated to this purpose.  The opportunity is being offered by the Department of Commerce’s Economic Development Administration program.  The application deadline for the $50 million program is yet to be determined, but expected to be due in December with an average award size of $500,000.  The grant program seeks to leverage regional assets to support strategies designed to create jobs, leverage private capital and encourage economic development.  Please contact our Resource Committee Chair, Diane Shellenhamer, if you are interested in learning more.


We are Number 6!  What? We aren’t number 1?  The Youth Baseball season is coming to a close – some of the world’s best 12/13 year old baseball players have arrived in Williamsport, PA this week.  There are 16 teams striving to be crowned the best in youth baseball, but in reality only 1 of the 16 will claim Little League World Series Champion title.  It is an honor and a tribute to the hard work, dedication and teamwork that got those teams to this small town in North-Central PA.  We too, as the PA Chapter of ESC should be proud.  We are number 6 of the 29 state chapters when it comes to memberships.  We have a strong following in PA!  We owe a pat-on-the-back to all those that have helped plan, organize, and execute the various events that we hosted.  We also wish to thank those that have continued to support our corporate mission by maintaining their membership in the PA Chapter of the ESC.  Thank you!  Reviewing the ESC web page, we have 29 members.  The only states with more members are: TN (33), NC (38), CO (38), MN (45), and GA (67).  It may be a while before we outpace the top two states, but I am anxious to jump ahead of TN, NC and CO so that we can claim the Number 3 spot!  With this goal in mind – IT IS TIME TO RENEW YOUR MEMBERSHIP!  For most, your membership became due on July 1, 2012.  Please visit the PA Chapter Membership to confirm that your membership is current.

However, we do know that there is an opportunity to grow our membership, and we ask those "NOT YET Members" to resolve during the remainder of this year to re-commit yourself to this group.  Benefits of membership include initial consideration for speaking opportunities at our events, email notifications and information available to Members Only, ability to participate in our local Leadership Team, opportunity to participate in National initiatives, and much more.

As you fill out your membership form on the ESC website (, be sure to indicate that you wish to be affiliated with the PA Chapter.  That action will assure that a portion of your dues will come back, directly, to our Chapter.  These funds make it possible for us to host events like the Annual Workshop.  This gives all of our participating organizations the ability to touch end users, see new technologies, and network with peers in the supply chain of performance contracting delivery.


August 23-24, 2012, Nashville, TN


Building America’s Clean Energy Hub
September 13-14, 2012, Philadelphia, PA


Energy Efficiency Conference 2012
September 23-24, 2012, Harrisburg, PA

Need a Speaker for your up coming event.  The ESC can provide speakers for your organization's events, conferences, and workshops. A popular topic is: "Upgrading Your Buildings Using Energy Savings Performance Contracting."



Private Sector Chair – Larry Myers –
Public Sector Chair – Brandon Carson –
Past Chair – Bruce Stultz -
Past Chair – Marilyn Bygall -
PA Treasurer – Tracy Niedrowski -

Membership – Lou Nazirides –
Outreach – John Carr –
Workshop – Sherri Laurusevage –
Resource – Diane Shellenhamer –
Documents – Steve Moritz –


Quarterly News

ESC Market Transformation Conference

Thursday & Friday, August 23/24, 2012
Loews Vanderbilt, Nashville, TN

2nd Annual PA Chapter Workshop

Hollywood Casino
Grantville, PA

PA Commonwealth GESA Process Program Discussion

August 27, 2012

Outreach Initiative

Strategies to increase target market education


We are Number 6!
Renewals and Not-Yet Member?

Up Coming Events

Future Activities to be aware of

PA Leadership Team
Contact information


Can’t we get a grant for that?

After six years of working in community and economic development, I’m all too familiar with this question. Many people think that grant money is readily available. This belief is even stronger when a project involves an energy efficiency or renewable energy component. The truth is that funding available in the form of grants is limited and getting more so every year. However, this shouldn’t discourage someone with a legitimate project from applying. There are, however, a few things to keep in mind when developing a project for funding.

Start planning early. The information required for many grant applications can be daunting. The earlier an applicant begins to evaluate their project the better. What are the major project activities? How much will it cost and how long will it take to complete these activities? What are the goals and objectives for the project?

Know the funder. Program requirements and guidelines can vary significantly depending on the agency. Eligibility, match requirements, submission and approval procedures, and evaluation criteria are all things to keep in mind when developing an application. In addition to the traditional funding streams at the state and federal levels, community foundations can be a great funding source.

Be flexible. Oftentimes, the amount of funding an applicant is looking to secure is more than the maximum award for the program. This can be a real challenge, especially when trying to coordinate the project with multiple funding agencies to make the budget whole. It’s important to remain flexible and make every attempt to find the “best fit” when shopping around for funding.

Get creative. Even in the current fiscal climate there are plenty of funding opportunities out there and a little creativity will open more doors. If the total cost of the proposed activities is too high, consider scaling back the project or completing it in phases as funding becomes available.

There’s money out there for “e2” and renewable energy projects and with some research, planning and a little perseverance, you can secure funding for your project. Above all, keep the current fiscal realities of dwindling state and federal grant funding in mind. This “new reality” dictates having reasonable expectations on securing public funding along with a strong commitment to generate local matching funds.

Brandon Carson
Public Sector Chair




Follow us
Energy Services Coalition (ESC)
Or contact the Board member nearest you.

The Pennsylvania Energy Services Coalition Chapter is dedicated to providing an outreach program that provides information and education on performance contracting to the target audience within our state.

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